by Christian Goodman | Sep 30, 2020
We have written many times about the importance of vitamins E and D to support good cardiovascular health. But there is another, even more common vitamin that has now been proven by researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine to drastically lower blood pressure...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 14, 2020
In many places, the majority of people are obese. And it seems like almost everyone is suffering some level of anxiety these days. But until now, no connection has been made between the two. A new study published in the journal BMC Medicine found that those who were...
by Christian Goodman | Apr 11, 2020
If you suffer from sleep apnea, you’ve probably heard or read that weight loss is one of the best remedies. However, until now, researchers could never explain why, which led us to question how credible their words were. Now finally a new study published in the...
by Scott Davis | Mar 7, 2020
It’s a well-known fact that obesity is the single biggest cause of cardiovascular disease in the world today. It’s also a well-known fact that obesity kills. Research about fighting and curing the obesity epidemic has been an ongoing one. Researchers from the...
by Jodi Knapp | Nov 3, 2019
The number one advice anyone gets to combat type 2 diabetes is to lose a lot of weight. This has given birth to some insane weight loss plans such as the 800 calories per day for eight weeks diabetes diet. Fortunately, a new study from the University of Cambridge is...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 23, 2019
One of the reasons why Type-2 diabetes is so bad is because of the company it keeps. High blood pressure goes hand-in-hand with it, so if your doctor discovers that you have Type-2 diabetes you can expect to get an ear-full about controlling your blood pressure too....