When Losing Weight Causes Type 2 Diabetes

When Losing Weight Causes Type 2 Diabetes

Being overweight is considered to be the #1 cause of type 2 diabetes. And the first thing any good doctor will recommend would be to lose body fat. But a new study published in the latest Journal of Physiology revealed that one of the most effective weight loss method...
How Homes Cause Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

How Homes Cause Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

The new edition of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives has just published an alarming study that shows why obesity and diabetes are becoming so common in the 21st century. And why diets and exercises don’t seem to make a big difference. While sugar and fats...
To Lower Cholesterol, Binge On This This Candy

To Lower Cholesterol, Binge On This This Candy

Eating candy has seldom been associated with a lowering of cholesterol levels. However, a new study published in the latest British Journal of Nutrition has proven that one candy is extremely effective to lower cholesterol. And this comes on top of other studies that...
Weird Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux Connection Uncovered

Weird Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux Connection Uncovered

Past studies to have found direct connection between gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux), or GERD, and sleep apnea. But which disease is the cause of the other (chicken and the egg) or are they actually both caused by some mysterious third element? That’s...
Common Drugs Cause Diabetes and Obesity (within 12 weeks)

Common Drugs Cause Diabetes and Obesity (within 12 weeks)

Despite their serious side effects, the usage of these drugs is still on a steep rise. A new study from both the Washington University and Florida Atlantic University revealed that not only do these drugs lead to obesity within 12 weeks of usage, they also caused type...