How Sleep Apnea Saves Your Life

How Sleep Apnea Saves Your Life

You’re probably aware of how life-threatening sleep apnea can be. It has been linked to anything from stroke and heart attack to some types of cancer. But according to a new study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, there is...
These Berries Heal High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

These Berries Heal High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

These beautiful shrubs that bear dark purple berries are native to parts of Europe and Asia. The deeply pigmented berries from these shrubs boast chart-topping levels of health-promoting phytonutrients, such as anthocyanins, flavonols, and phenolic acids. These...
Neuropathy Caused By This Common Vitamin

Neuropathy Caused By This Common Vitamin

We tend to think of vitamins as something natural, a harmless pill that we pop to boost our system just in case we’re lacking anything. But a few recent studies now reveal that a common vitamin that most of us take could be the #1 cause of the spike in new neuropathy...
This Popular Drink Heals ED (You’ll love this one)

This Popular Drink Heals ED (You’ll love this one)

It tastes good, it keeps you alert, it is healthy for the heart—and now, it turns out that it can completely relieve ED. It works even if you have chronic health issues that are causing your ED, such as obesity or high blood pressure. It’s also cheap and available on...
Terrifying Aspirin and Heart Attack Connection

Terrifying Aspirin and Heart Attack Connection

Doctors have long been prescribing aspirin as a blood thinner to anyone at risk of heart disease. But does it really help? This has never been rigorously researched. A new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine attempts to answer these questions. And...
This Method Prevents Parkinson’s Patients From Falling

This Method Prevents Parkinson’s Patients From Falling

Tragically, falls are common among Parkinson’s sufferers: 59% of all Parkinson’s patients fall 2–4 times a year. Sometimes, the consequences are dire, such as broken bones or even death. But a new study published in the journal BMC Neurology reveals a simple method...