by Jodi Knapp | Jan 12, 2024
A new study in BMC Medicine reveals that replacing one specific food type with another specific food type can drastically reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. You may even completely reverse these diseases by taking this one step. The...
by Christian Goodman | Jan 11, 2024
Millions of men all over the world are taking Viagra, Cialis, or testosterone therapy to try to combat their ED. A new study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, however, reveals a much safer, more effective way to permanently heal ED naturally. The core objective of...
by Jodi Knapp | Jan 10, 2024
Neuropathy is often blamed on diabetes, chemotherapy drugs, and a few other factors. Which doesn’t quite make sense because most people exposed to those factors don’t end up developing neuropathy. Which means there must be another factor involved. A new study in the...
by ShellyManning | Jan 9, 2024
A new study in the journal Heliyon reveals one type of food that directly causes gout. Then there is this other type of food that can prevent, even cure gout. The study in question used data from the 2007-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,...
by ShellyManning | Jan 7, 2024
The traditional medical system has no cure for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). They try to slow down its progression and that’s about it. That’s why a new study in the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders is so important. Because it identifies one of the main...
by Christian Goodman | Jan 6, 2024
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is most often blamed on being overweight and obese. But according to a new study in the journal Healthcare, it’s a little more complicated than that. Because different age groups have different underlying causes of their OSA. Utilizing...
by Christian Goodman | Jan 4, 2024
High blood pressure is often referred to as “the silent killer;” its causes and effects are considered sneaky and hard to detect. Today I’m going to tell you about a dirty cause of high blood pressure. One that, in a new study, was proven to drastically raise blood...
by Jodi Knapp | Jan 3, 2024
More and more research is emerging revealing that Parkinson’s disease is a lifestyle disease and completely preventable. What’s more, taking the right actions, you can also prevent it from progressing, even reverse it naturally. One of those studies was recently...
by Scott Davis | Jan 2, 2024
The widely used way to treat enlarged prostate is by focusing on shrinking the prostate. Makes sense, doesn’t it? No, it doesn’t, says a new study published by BMC Urology. Because there is an underlying cause of your enlarged prostate. One that’s far away from the...
by Scott Davis | Jan 1, 2024
Nowadays, almost everyone who is serious about working out uses supplements to aid their progress. It can be a simple protein shake, creatine, or pure amino acids. But one kind of supplement should be avoided at any cost. A new study by the European Society of...