Cure Sleep Apnea in three stepsSleep apnea can cause lots of life-altering conditions like diabetes and heart disease, making it one of the most urgent health priorities of this century.

A recent study published in Preventive Medicine Reports provides new insights into its risk factors, emphasizing the importance of early detection and management.

Their discoveries revealed a simple three-step plan to eliminate your snoring and sleep apnea permanently.

The authors of this study conducted a thorough review of medical databases up to July 2023, focusing on studies that explored the relationship between sleep apnea and various risk factors.

Their goal was to understand the issues better to help us formulate better prevention and treatment strategies.

These are the potential causes they identified.

1. Being overweight significantly increases the risk of sleep apnea, as excess fat around the neck can narrow the airway. This is the risk factor most strongly backed up by the research.

2. The risk of sleep apnea increases with age due to natural changes in the structure and function of the airway.

3. Men are generally more at risk than women, although women’s risk increases if they are overweight or post-menopausal.

4. A larger neck circumference can indicate a narrower airway, making sleep apnea more likely.

5. Genetics may play a role, with a family history of sleep apnea increasing the risk.

6. Both smoking and alcohol use can exacerbate sleep apnea by inflaming or relaxing the airway muscles.

7. Medical conditions like hypertension and diabetes are linked with a higher incidence of sleep apnea.

8. Nasal congestion and related issues like chronic sinusitis can obstruct breathing during sleep.

While age, sex, and genetics are beyond our control, most of the other risk factors are partly or fully lifestyle related and can be changed with a bit of effort.

The researchers suggest the following three steps to reduce the risk or alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea.

1) Maintain a healthy weight. Addressing obesity can help reduce airway obstruction.

2) Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption can decrease the severity of symptoms.

3) Treat nasal congestion to improve your breathing during the night. You can inhale steam from a hot bowl of water, use a humidifier to add moisture to the air, drink plenty of fluid, use a saline nasal spray, or apply a warm compress to your face over your nose and forehead.

The easiest and most effective way to cure snoring and sleep apnea – as soon as tonight – are the simple, three-minute throat exercises explained here…