Diabetic Neuropathy cured with “candy wrapping”A byproduct of one of the most popular candies can lower blood sugar levels as well as leading medications.

Like that wasn’t enough, it also significantly reduces neuropathy pain… all naturally.

This is according to a recent study published in the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal.

Cocoa beans appear inside the cocoa fruit. This is the part from which chocolate is made. Cocoa pod husks are the outer shells of the fruit and make up about 60–75% of their weight, but these husks are often considered a waste product.

But, say researchers, the husk contains huge amounts of resveratrol, a compound with potent antioxidant properties. So, why not see if we can use it productively?

Accordingly, the authors of this study made an extract of the husk to see if it could alleviate the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy in mice.

They first induced diabetes in mice using alloxan, which elevated their blood glucose levels and led to neuropathic pain.

They then treated these mice with various doses of cocoa pod husk extract and observed remarkable results.

1. The husk extract showed significant antioxidant activity, which helps neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, a common issue in diabetes.

2. At higher doses, the husk extract effectively lowered blood glucose levels, matching traditional diabetic medications like metformin.

3. The treatment also reduced hyperalgesia, a condition of heightened sensitivity to pain, common in diabetic neuropathy.

4. The treated mice could tolerate thermal stimuli for longer periods without discomfort.

The study was thorough and dived deep into the biological mechanisms at play.

In short, the husk extract influenced the transient receptor protein vanilloid-1 (TRPV-1), a receptor involved in pain sensation and insulin release. By balancing this receptor’s activity, the extract helped to manage both blood sugar levels and pain perception.

If you struggle with diabetic neuropathy, findings like these offer a glimpse of hope. The use of cocoa pod husk could be a more natural approach to manage your symptoms with fewer side effects compared to conventional drugs.

Sadly, while the results are promising, the road from a laboratory study to practical, everyday applications is still long. Cocoa supplements are usually made of the beans, not the husks, so the type of extract used in this study isn’t commercially available.

But, if you’re trying to manage diabetic neuropathy, including foods rich in resveratrol in your diet might do the trick. These include red grape skins, dark chocolate, blueberries, and peanuts.

Better yet, thousands of readers have already completely rid themselves of neuropathy using the simple all-natural approach explained here…

And if you suffer from type 2 diabetes, learn how to reverse it in three steps here…