Acid Reflux Caused By These Four Things (stop this now)

Acid reflux is largely preventable via lifestyle changes, which makes it important to identify its causes and the changes that can prevent or treat it. A new study published in the journal Risk Management and Healthcare Policy identifies four lifestyle factors that...
This Fruit Heals Enlarged Prostate

This Fruit Heals Enlarged Prostate

What better way to heal enlarged prostate than to load up on a specific fruit? That is, if it works. And according to a new study in the Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, it does work—loading up on this one fruit does wonders for both enlarged prostate and all of...
Osteoporosis Caused by This Trend

Osteoporosis Caused by This Trend

Everyone seems to be doing this these days. Most claim it’s healthy—or at least healthier than the alternative. Everyone who does it swears it’s pleasurable. But a new study in the American Journal of Medicine Open reveals that this is extremely dangerous for...