by Christian Goodman | Oct 14, 2022
This herb has been proven to improve and even cure several serious diseases. Next in line: dementia! Three recent studies have found that this herb can halt and even reverse Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. There is only one problem: It is illegal in most...
by ShellyManning | Oct 9, 2022
This drug is often given out like candy, prescribed as a life-long treatment option. And because it’s effective, people often continue to take it without consulting their doctor about whether they should take a pause or change their dose. And, according to a new study...
by Scott Davis | Oct 8, 2022
Several studies in recent decades have proven that pets can improve stress levels and overall well-being. But can pets improve cholesterol levels? Yes, but not all pets, says a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality and Outcomes. The...
by Christian Goodman | Oct 7, 2022
How can a sound heal ED in men? Easily, says a new study from Thessaloniki, Greece. It’s safe, non-invasive, and effective with 79% of men experiencing drastic improvements. The researchers were aware of several previous studies that found low-intensity shock wave...
by ShellyManning | Oct 6, 2022
Repeated studies have proven that this diet is good for your overall health. It helps lower blood pressure and keep your heart healthy, improves blood sugar control, can aid in weight loss, and is associated with many other positive health outcomes. But it’s not good...
by Christian Goodman | Oct 5, 2022
Blood pressure medications force blood pressure close to or down to a healthy level. The bad news: They come with a litany of side effects, often so serious that they outweigh the benefit of the drug. The good news: New research, published in the Journal of...
by Jodi Knapp | Oct 4, 2022
The traditional medical system has no cure for Parkinson’s Disease, only medications that help treat the symptoms. But these drugs often come with significant side effects. It’s amazing then that a new study has come out which shows how simple lifestyle changes can...
by ShellyManning | Oct 2, 2022
The conventional medical establishment has long claimed that the risk of developing arthritis is a roll of the genetic dice. But a new study published in Arthritis Research and Therapy has revealed that another seemingly arbitrary factor influences your chance of...
by Scott Davis | Oct 1, 2022
Everyone loves this trendy fruit. It has been praised as a superfood that’s good for your heart and overall health and can aid in weight loss. But it’s also rich in carbohydrates, extremely rich in fats, and massively high in calories, so can it possibly be healthy?...
by Christian Goodman | Sep 30, 2022
We have long known that sedentary practices are unhealthy, increasing our risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. But not all sitting is created equal, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Findings...