How Hemochromatosis Causes Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

How Hemochromatosis Causes Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

As if suffering from hemochromatosis wasn’t bad enough, a new study published in the International Journal of Cardiology reveals that it can directly lead to fatal heart rhythm abnormalities. This is yet another reason to address your hemochromatosis before it’s too...
The Most Powerful Blood Pressure-Lowering Ingredient

The Most Powerful Blood Pressure-Lowering Ingredient

You may have been told to cut down on salt, fat, sugar, and other “unhealthy” ingredients to lower your blood pressure. Instead, you’re forced to load your dish with greens and fruits, and maybe take some herbs or supplements. But one ingredient—which could be the key...
Terrifying Aspirin and Heart Attack Connection

Terrifying Aspirin and Heart Attack Connection

Doctors have long been prescribing aspirin as a blood thinner to anyone at risk of heart disease. But does it really help? This has never been rigorously researched. A new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine attempts to answer these questions. And...
How Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

How Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

Diet and exercise: those are the two things you have always been told to do to prevent strokes and heart attacks, along with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Slow down! According to a new study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, exercising can actually...