Eating this Halts Kidney Disease

Eating this Halts Kidney Disease

There are five stages of kidney disease. In stages 1-3, the people may not even realize they’re suffering from a dangerous disease. But when it progresses to stage 5, kidney failure is unavoidable. So, it’s not so much about finding a cure for kidney disease as to...
How ED Causes Premature Death

How ED Causes Premature Death

It’s been long known that men suffering from ED are at a higher risk of dying younger. And there are two associated risk factors that may explain that: 1) Low testosterone 2) Cardiovascular disease But which risk factor is it that actually causes men to die so young?...
How Acid Reflux Causes Broken Bones

How Acid Reflux Causes Broken Bones

Acid reflux and broken bones – it’s not an obvious connection. But a new study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition reveals that people taking common acid reflux drugs have a 20% increased risk of bone fracture. The research found that...
Blood Pressure Drugs 40% Less Effective Than Tests Show

Blood Pressure Drugs 40% Less Effective Than Tests Show

New medications can’t just go on the market straight away – they need to be put through years of extensive testing first – first in labs, then on animals, and then finally on humans. If you think that’s it, you’re wrong! It then has to be FDA approved. But there is...
One Ingredient Causes GOUT (cut this out)

One Ingredient Causes GOUT (cut this out)

A new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that gout is much more dangerous than previously thought. Millions of deaths blamed on type 2 diabetes, obesity and other conditions were actually caused by elevated uric acid – the underlying mechanism of...
This “Unhealthy” Food Cures High Cholesterol

This “Unhealthy” Food Cures High Cholesterol

There’s an unprecedented amount of people taking statins and following dietary advice from the American Heart Association to cure their high cholesterol problems. But, if they’re following such expert medical advice, why are high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease...