Arthritis Cured with This Common Household Cleaner

Arthritis Cured with This Common Household Cleaner

What you have below is an article that will show you the household cleaner that helps to eliminate arthritis in your body. You read that right. It’s a household cleaner—not some overpriced drug with an unpronounceable, invented name. Actually, this household cleaner...
Can Beef Improve Cholesterol Levels?

Can Beef Improve Cholesterol Levels?

Medical scientists have been telling us for ages to avoid meat because it contains saturated fat that supposedly increases our cholesterol levels and, subsequently, the risk of clogged arteries, heart attack, and stroke. A study in the latest edition of the Journal of...
Osteoporosis is Caused By This Common Condition

Osteoporosis is Caused By This Common Condition

There have been lots of misconceptions about osteoporosis and its causes throughout the years. Lack of calcium in the diet is one of them. A new study published in the Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine finally reveals a reliable cause. In the past, studies on the...
The Cause of Parkinson’s Disease Discovered

The Cause of Parkinson’s Disease Discovered

Parkinson’s disease has traditionally been blamed on genetics, with little hope of preventing or curing it. But a recent study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health reveals an environmental cause, one that can increase the risk of...
Vertigo and Anxiety Both Eliminated in One Blow

Vertigo and Anxiety Both Eliminated in One Blow

Over half of people suffering vertigo also experience anxiety or panic attacks, and researchers started to wonder if one leads to the other. In a new study published in the International Journal of Research Science and Management, a team of scientists used a simple...