5 Common Foods Lower Blood Pressure Better Than Drugs

5 Common Foods Lower Blood Pressure Better Than Drugs

The big pharmaceutical companies would like you to think the only way to lower blood pressure is by taking drugs. Can we blame them? It’s their business, after all! The fact is, however, that high blood pressure can be cured using nothing but common, cheap foods and...
These Five Things Beat Acid Reflux

These Five Things Beat Acid Reflux

Acid-reflux drugs are incredibly unhealthy, even life-threatening, since they prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients and can cause a wide range of conditions from depression to stomach cancer. That is why a new study in the JAMA Internal Medicine...
How Resting Causes Stroke (Truly Surprising)

How Resting Causes Stroke (Truly Surprising)

People who are at heightened risk of stroke are often advised by doctors to get some rest, sleep for longer, and to not overexert themselves. This may, however, be flawed advice according to a new study from the University of Cambridge. In fact, getting more rest may...
Shingles Cause This Permanent Disability (Be Warned)

Shingles Cause This Permanent Disability (Be Warned)

Getting shingles isn’t fun. The aftereffects are often even worse. And sometimes the condition will even reappear several times after the first attack. But all this is a walk in the park compared to what’s described in a new study in the American Journal of...
The Environmental Cause of Vertigo

The Environmental Cause of Vertigo

Although traditional medicine is yet to find an effective treatment for vertigo, there have been many theories surrounding its causes. Crystals in the ear, infection, and old age are just a few potential explanations. And in many cases these explanations have some...
How Hemochromatosis Causes Dementia

How Hemochromatosis Causes Dementia

Hemochromatosis is one of the most common hereditary disorders among people of northern European ancestry. It causes fatigue and dizziness and can be life-threatening if not treated correctly. But a new study in the latest Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease reveals...