When Enlarged Prostate Prevents Prostate Cancer

When Enlarged Prostate Prevents Prostate Cancer

When doctors detect enlarged prostate, their first response is often a fear of cancer. This is often followed up with long list of tests. But a new study from Oakland University William Beaumont Hospital School of Medicine and published in the journal The Prostate...
This Computer Game Heals Anxiety Disorder

This Computer Game Heals Anxiety Disorder

Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered to be the most effective treatment for social anxiety disorder (SAD). But a study just published in the journal JMIR Mental Health reveals a simple computer game that seems to be just as—or even more—effective. And wouldn’t...
Does Gout Heal Parkinson’s Disease?

Does Gout Heal Parkinson’s Disease?

There is no obvious connection between gout and Parkinson’s. Gout is an extremely painful condition in which you have too much uric acid, whereas Parkinson’s is a neurological disease in the brain. But a new study in the journal Neurological Sciences reveals a weird...
How Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

How Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

Diet and exercise: those are the two things you have always been told to do to prevent strokes and heart attacks, along with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Slow down! According to a new study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, exercising can actually...
This Unhealthy Mineral Heals Neuropathy

This Unhealthy Mineral Heals Neuropathy

Year after year, decade after decade, you have been told to consume less of this mineral. It’s blamed for everything from high blood pressure to some types of cancers. But if you have neuropathy, the table is turned 180 degrees! Because according to a new study in the...
5 Triggers of Vertigo (and how to prevent them)

5 Triggers of Vertigo (and how to prevent them)

You probably don’t experience vertigo all the time. It normally hits you suddenly, and you begin to feel dizzy, with the room beginning to spin. Then, after anything from minutes to hours, you get better. This leads to the big question: what triggers your vertigo? And...