Fighting Off Diabetes is Much Easier Than You Think

Fighting Off Diabetes is Much Easier Than You Think

The number one advice anyone gets to combat type 2 diabetes is to lose a lot of weight. This has given birth to some insane weight loss plans such as the 800 calories per day for eight weeks diabetes diet. Fortunately, a new study from the University of Cambridge is...
This Supplement Cured Diabetes (study)

This Supplement Cured Diabetes (study)

Is it possible that one single supplement can cure type 2 diabetes? A supplement that’s available in all health food stores! Yes, says a new study published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. Traditional medicine often makes...
Diabetes and Vertigo Connection

Diabetes and Vertigo Connection

As if diabetes wasn’t bad enough on its own, it’s quite common for it to give you vertigo too. Brazilian researchers have just published a review of scientific literature on that subject in the journal Revista CEFAC, looking at the reasons why it happens. So, here’s...
The Candy That Undoes Type 2 Diabetes

The Candy That Undoes Type 2 Diabetes

In March 2016, the British Journal of Nutrition featured an article by a multinational research team that still seems super-surprising. They found that consuming a particular candy reduces insulin levels along with the liver enzymes that people with insulin resistance...
This Commonplace Food Fights Diabetes

This Commonplace Food Fights Diabetes

Scientists have known for some time that whole grains seem to prevent type 2 diabetes, but they don’t understand exactly why yet. But a new study led by Finnish researchers published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition adds more to this debate by...