Common Drink Treats Diabetes and Its Complications

Common Drink Treats Diabetes and Its Complications

Metabolic syndrome is the precursor to diabetes. It involves obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, moderately high blood sugar, and the beginnings of some insulin resistance. If this condition is not nipped in the bud, it will progress to full-blown type 2...
Fatty Liver Caused By This Everyday Mineral (cut it out)

Fatty Liver Caused By This Everyday Mineral (cut it out)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is on the rise, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. It seems clear that it’s caused by something we’re doing differently now than 20–30 years ago. A new study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine reveals that this something...
OTC Acid Reflux Pill Causes Sudden Death

OTC Acid Reflux Pill Causes Sudden Death

If you suffer from acid reflux, you have or are probably taking this over-the-counter medication. Please, stop right now! This medication been linked to several types of cancer and many other health issues. A new study published in the journal Cureus reveals another...
Surprising Cause of Vertigo and Dizziness

Surprising Cause of Vertigo and Dizziness

Traumatic brain injury is a common cause of dizziness. It is one of the hardest causes to treat because it stems from an actual brain injury rather than from a temporary balance problem. We typically associate traumatic brain injuries with sports, but a new study in...
Four Minerals Heal ED in Men

Four Minerals Heal ED in Men

The prevalence of ED has been increasing over the past few decades, and ED is affecting younger men than before. That may all be about to change. A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition reveals that ED is caused by deficiencies of four essential...
These Berries: a Blood Pressure Reduction Miracle

These Berries: a Blood Pressure Reduction Miracle

Too high in calories, too expensive—this berry has been criticized a lot, which is probably why it isn’t eaten as much as it should be. According to a study from the University of Mississippi’s School of Pharmacy, consuming just half a cup of these berries can...
Heal Parkinson’s Disease at Its Root

Heal Parkinson’s Disease at Its Root

Parkinson’s disease has long been considered a disease of the brain. However, studies have increasingly focused on the role of the colony of microorganisms that live in our intestines in neurological and brain diseases such as Parkinson’s. Three studies linking gut...
Strange Enlarged Prostate Cause & Cure Discovered

Strange Enlarged Prostate Cause & Cure Discovered

More than 50% of men over 50 suffer from an enlarged prostate. That number rises to 83% after 80. Scientists have long believed that enlarged prostate is a normal part of aging. Not so, says a new study in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. They discovered a...
New Treatment Heals Neuropathy Nerve Cells

New Treatment Heals Neuropathy Nerve Cells

The worst problem with neuropathy is not the tingling feeling, the numbness, or even the pain you experience in your arms, hands, legs, and feet. The worst problem is that neuropathy damages and eventually kills your nerve cells, and there is no medical treatment to...
How Hypothyroidism Breaks Your Bones

How Hypothyroidism Breaks Your Bones

People normally associate hypothyroidism with fatigue and obesity. According to a new study in JAMA Network Open, hypothyroidism can cause even more devastating effects. It can drastically weaken your bones, causing bone fractures and disability. It can happen whether...