This Mineral Lowers High Blood Pressure (New Study)If you love salty food, you’ll love today’s article.

A study published in the American Journal of Physiology proves that eating a lot of another mineral gives you a free pass on salt.

This common mineral forces your blood pressure down whether or not you consume a lot of salt.

According to the study, people in isolated societies with limited amounts of imported food eat a lot more potassium and a lot less sodium than those in developed countries.

This is unsurprising, as they eat more naturally grown fruit, vegetables, and grains than people in developed countries and substantially less food preserved in cans, jars, and packets.

When the team compared studies of high-potassium populations to those of low-potassium populations, they found that consuming a lot of potassium was much more important than using little salt.

Regardless of the amount of sodium they consumed, populations with high potassium intakes had lower blood pressure than those with low potassium intakes.

You’ll find plenty of potassium in dark green vegetables, potatoes and sweet potatoes with their skins, mushrooms, beans, bananas, avocados, dried fruits, salmon, and yogurt.

If you want to lower your blood pressure below 120/80 today, check out our simple blood pressure exercises found here…

If your cholesterol is too high, discover how to normalize it in days by cutting out ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming…