by Christian Goodman | Jan 27, 2023
Vitamin and mineral supplements can be great and are often highly regarded alternative health treatments recommended by doctors. Sometimes supplements can do more harm than good. This, according to a research team from University of Gothenburg, is true for one of the...
by ShellyManning | Jan 26, 2023
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the 12th most common cause of death, which shows why it is so important to treat it correctly. However, the traditional medical system has no cure for CKD. Fortunately, a new study in the journal Kidney International Reports reveals...
by Christian Goodman | Jan 25, 2023
High blood pressure is a disease that affects 25% of the world’s population. Despite its shockingly high statistics, researchers at the University of Adelaide say that it can be controlled with a simple, cheap herb that grows almost everywhere in the world. This is a...
by Scott Davis | Jan 24, 2023
The two most commonly prescribed drugs for prostate diseases are finasteride and tamsulosin. They tend to cause horrible side effects, such as ED, dizziness, fever, cold sweats, sleep disturbances, bloat, weight changes, fatigue, and many others. Scientists have been...
by Julissa Clay | Jan 22, 2023
No, we’re not telling you to color your hair, and we’re not telling you to cover nail fungus with nail polish. We do want to tell you about the healing properties of a natural haircoloring. According to a new study in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results,...
by Jodi Knapp | Jan 21, 2023
Parkinson’s disease has long been considered to be caused mostly by genetics. Why then are men so much more likely to develop Parkinson’s than women? It’s not about genes; it’s about hormones, says a new study in JAMA Network Open that studied a common operation that...
by ShellyManning | Jan 20, 2023
If you suffer from arthritis, it’s almost certain that you have used these over-the-counter pain killers. If your arthritis is getting worse, it’s likely your doctor is prescribing a pain killer, not just for the pain but also to reduce inflammation, thinking it will...
by Scott Davis | Jan 15, 2023
By now, most people understand that this is harmful. Researchers at the Sheffield Teaching Hospital’s NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Sheffield have completed a study that spells out the risk in quite scary numbers. Since one in five adults still do this,...
by ShellyManning | Jan 14, 2023
If you’ve been diagnosed with gout, chances are you’ve been advised to cut down on foods that produce uric acid, including red meat and alcohol. Although this is not bad advice, if only tells part of the lifestyle story. According to a new study in The Journal...
by Christian Goodman | Jan 13, 2023
Researchers have long known that high blood pressure is a risk factor for sleep apnea. They don’t know, however, why some people with high blood pressure develop sleep apnea and others do not. A new study in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension answers this puzzling...