Parkinson’s Disease Drastically Affected by These Habits

Parkinson’s Disease Drastically Affected by These Habits

Doctors have long claimed that Parkinson’s Disease progresses to the final stages regardless of lifestyle factors. But this idea has been challenged by a new study in Scientific Reports. Research has identified three common habits that drastically accelerate...
This Soup Heals Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

This Soup Heals Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Very few treatments are currently available for fatty liver disease, particularly natural remedies. But a recent study in the journal Obesity reveals how consuming a specific soup and shakes can drastically reduce your liver fat and increase its flexibility in weeks....
Heart Attacks Prevented by Common Vitamin

Heart Attacks Prevented by Common Vitamin

Heart disease and related conditions are a primary cause of death worldwide, and, as populations continue to age, incidence is projected to increase. That’s why we’re thrilled about a new study in the BMJ revealing a whopping 19% drop in heart attack risk if you take...
This Bacterial Heals Gout

This Bacterial Heals Gout

If you have been diagnosed with gout, you’ve probably been advised to cut down on uric acid. That’s just half the story, according to a new study in Frontiers in Microbiology. The only way to cure gout permanently is by loading up on specific bacteria found in many...
This Food Causes Alzheimer’s

This Food Causes Alzheimer’s

A study in the latest edition of Scientific Reports, written by researchers at the University of Bath and King’s College London, proposes a mechanism through which one specific type of food causes Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, it’s a food that is everywhere, as...
Naughty Drink Cures Chronic Kidney and Cardiovascular Diseases

Naughty Drink Cures Chronic Kidney and Cardiovascular Diseases

Today I have a treat for you. Often when you are talked to about healthy living, you get nagged to eat healthy stuff that you don’t really like and break more sweat than you really want to. Today is different. Today I’m going to tell you about a drink most of us love...
How Bad Cholesterol Turns Heart-Healthy

How Bad Cholesterol Turns Heart-Healthy

Research into omega-3 fatty acids and heart disease has been a bit confusing. Studies seem to show that these fats can reduce our risk of heart disease, but they also seem to show that omega-3 fats raise low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, usually called “bad...
7 Foods That Flare Up Arthritis (Avoid These at All Costs)

7 Foods That Flare Up Arthritis (Avoid These at All Costs)

Conventional medicine has no cure for arthritis. The available drugs are only temporarily effective at best. At worst, the side effects have been proven deadly. There is an easier, safer way to manage arthritis. It involves avoiding a few types of foods that have been...
Gum Disease Caused By This Innocent Drug

Gum Disease Caused By This Innocent Drug

This drug has been hailed as a miracle medicine without any serious side effects. Most people have used it at one point or another—legally or illegally. A new study published in Scientific Letters reveals a darker side of this drug. It may be the main cause of your...
Genetic Diabetes Healed Naturally

Genetic Diabetes Healed Naturally

One big problem with the advances in genetic research is that they give people an excuse to be sick. After all, if your type 2 diabetes is caused by your genes, there is nothing you can do about it, right? Wrong! A new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine...