Bronchitis caused by these everyday items

Bronchitis caused by these everyday items

The number one scapegoat for chronic bronchitis is smoking, whether direct or indirect. The fact is that millions of people who never smoked, stopped smoking, or were never heavily exposed to smoking can suffer from chronic bronchitis. Therefore, smoking cannot be the...
When cholesterol does NOT raise cholesterol

When cholesterol does NOT raise cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, you have probably been told to cut down on cholesterol consumption. Makes sense, right? No, says a new study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session. They tested several foods with some of the...
Neuropathy caused by a vitamin deficiency

Neuropathy caused by a vitamin deficiency

There are a lot of things that can trigger neuropathy, including diabetes and cancer treatments. According to a new study published in the journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, one of the most common triggers and the easiest to reverse may be a specific...
Sleep apnea cured: a simple diet change

Sleep apnea cured: a simple diet change

Sleep apnea can increase your risk of serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes, in addition to making you feel tired during the day. Traditional approaches to managing sleep apnea have included weight loss, exercise, and, in more severe cases,...
These foods reverse Parkinson’s disease

These foods reverse Parkinson’s disease

Once in a while a new study comes out that turns everything on its head. That’s the case with a new study published in the journal Cell Reports. It reveals that everything we’ve been doing to treat Parkinson’s disease was wrong, and it proposes a simple, natural way...
The best treatment for enlarged prostate

The best treatment for enlarged prostate

The search for effective treatments for enlarged prostate with its bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms has led to significant medical advances. A new study on Research Square has just compared two of the most common treatments to see which worked best. TURP...
Why dementia hits this gender worse

Why dementia hits this gender worse

At any given time, two-thirds of all dementia patients are of just one gender. This is a widely established fact. But why is this gender so much more affected by dementia than the other? That’s the subject of a new study published in the journal JAMA Network Open. It...
These beans lower blood pressure and boost health

These beans lower blood pressure and boost health

Beans have long been praised for having various health benefits. A new study from Mexico shows exactly how one particular type of bean beats high blood pressure with a knockout blow. Not only does it load your body with antioxidants that lower blood pressure, it also...
Does meat really cause gout? (surprising study)

Does meat really cause gout? (surprising study)

Gout is caused by the accumulation of urate crystals in our joints when there’s too much uric acid in our blood, a condition known as hyperuricemia. The first thing you were probably told to do when diagnosed with gout was to cut down on meat, especially red...
This flesh treats chronic kidney disease

This flesh treats chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is mostly caused by the western type diet we’re all overexposed to. You’ve therefore probably received a long list of things to NOT eat. Like too much sugar, salt, potassium, and overall too many calories. But, instead of telling us what...