Strange Snoring And Dementia Connection

Strange Snoring And Dementia Connection

Most people who snore loudly have underlying sleep apnea—most often undiagnosed. If you belong to this group, then you’re at a drastically higher risk of developing dementia, according to a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The good news...
Snoring Destroys This One Sense You Need

Snoring Destroys This One Sense You Need

Snoring is not only upsetting for a person sharing a bedroom with you; it can also be dangerous for your health. A number of studies, including one published in the Turkish journal KBB-Forum: Elektronik Kulak Burun Boaz ve Ba Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi, have found that...
Snoring Causes This Deadly Disease

Snoring Causes This Deadly Disease

Snoring (and, even more seriously, sleep apnea) is not just an innocent annoyance. When you snore, you don’t breathe properly, and your blood oxygen level goes down. And according to a new study, published in the European Respiratory Journal, this can cause the one...
Weird Snoring and Happiness Leven Connection

Weird Snoring and Happiness Leven Connection

If you snore loudly, you probably have hidden (or diagnosed) sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea tend to be more depressed and anxious than non-sufferers, especially if they also happen to have cardiovascular disease. That connection made a team of researchers...