Your Body Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally This Way

Your Body Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally This Way

One of the main problems with high blood pressure is that scientists have very little idea on what really causes it. They can point to diet, lifestyle, and genetic causes. But the fact is, in over 70% of cases, health care professionals have to admit they have no idea...
Drop Cholesterol 17% by Eating These 4 Foods

Drop Cholesterol 17% by Eating These 4 Foods

Usually we hear “don’t eat this, don’t eat that” when it comes to health. However, a new study just published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases found that eating 4 specific foods drops cholesterol by 17% and reduces your risk of heart disease by 13%....
Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack with Minimal Effort

Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack with Minimal Effort

You know that exercising is good to keep your arteries in shape and prevent stroke and heart attack. But we’re all busy and maybe don’t have time for vigorous exercises every day. So how much is enough? And when is it too late to start? That’s what a group of...
When High Blood Pressure Is A Good Thing

When High Blood Pressure Is A Good Thing

It is well known that high blood pressure is, in most cases, very dangerous. It’s considered the number one cause of death by the World Health Organization (WHO). But according to new studies from the University of Wisconsin, Oxford University, and other institutions,...
Can These Supplements Prevent Heart Attacks?

Can These Supplements Prevent Heart Attacks?

A new study has just been published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that asks whether specific supplements can prevent heart disease, stroke, or early death. And the answer may surprise you. The study authors examined 179 previously published...
How High Blood Pressure Happens When You Sleep

How High Blood Pressure Happens When You Sleep

Since high blood pressure is always somewhat stress-related, you would think that getting a good night’s sleep would benefit you. But your blood pressure may be caused by what happens when you sleep. And it can be life threatening for several other reasons. One of the...