High Blood Pressure Misdiagnosed By The Wrong Measurement

High Blood Pressure Misdiagnosed By The Wrong Measurement

A controversial new study looking at Mayo Clinic patients has been recently published, and it looked at what challenges most people – including doctors – in understanding when and how to have one’s blood pressure measured. This could mean that millions of people have...
The Most Fun Way to Lower Blood Pressure 10 Points

The Most Fun Way to Lower Blood Pressure 10 Points

Tackling high blood pressure is usually no fun. You have to cut out the food you love, and then soak yourself in sweat at the gym. A brand-new study presented at the meeting of the American Heart Association in Atlanta, however, has revealed that there is one simple...

One Ingredient Is Responsible for High Blood Pressure

According to a recent Journal of Nature Medicine study, one basic ingredient that’s the basis for the most common Western diets is the main cause of the rise in high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks. The researchers studied the type of food most common in...
Unusual Tea Lowers Blood Pressure and Helps You Sleep

Unusual Tea Lowers Blood Pressure and Helps You Sleep

Imagine this. Your doctor has prescribed a diuretic for blood pressure and a sedative for anxiety. You are frustrated that the answer is limited to drugs and doesn’t consider natural treatments. But there is a solution, and this natural treatment has the exact same...