When Hypothyroidism Causes Heart Failure

When Hypothyroidism Causes Heart Failure

Hypothyroidism has many subtle symptoms such as lack of energy and increased body weight. But something as serious as sudden heart failure and potential death, that´s not often discussed. A new study in the latest Journal of the American Heart Association, however,...
When Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

When Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

Diet and exercise are the two things you have always been told to do to prevent strokes and heart attacks, along with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Slow down! According to a new study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, exercising can increase your...
Wrong Water: 40% Increase In Heart Attack Death

Wrong Water: 40% Increase In Heart Attack Death

This has nothing to do with clean versus polluted water. It has everything to do with the “right” or “wrong” drinking water. According to a new study in the journal Foods, drinking the “wrong” water can increase your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by a...
Does Meat Cause Heart Attacks? Surprise, Surprise…

Does Meat Cause Heart Attacks? Surprise, Surprise…

The findings of studies researching the connection between meat consumption and cardiovascular health have been contradictory and have baffled researchers. But a new study from the Journal of Hypertension may finally provide an explanation. Yes, meat can cause heart...
Heart Attacks Prevented by Common Vitamin

Heart Attacks Prevented by Common Vitamin

Heart disease and related conditions are a primary cause of death worldwide, and, as populations continue to age, incidence is projected to increase. That’s why we’re thrilled about a new study in the BMJ revealing a whopping 19% drop in heart attack risk if you take...
One Coffee Type Prevents Heart Attack—Another Causes It

One Coffee Type Prevents Heart Attack—Another Causes It

Studies on coffee consumption and cardiovascular health are very contradictory. Some studies show extreme benefits of coffee, while others show extreme dangers of heart attack and stroke. A team of Norwegian researchers decided to research whether the way we brew our...