Wrong Water: 40% Increase In Heart Attack DeathThis has nothing to do with clean versus polluted water.

It has everything to do with the “right” or “wrong” drinking water.

According to a new study in the journal Foods, drinking the “wrong” water can increase your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by a terrifying 40%.

Many studies have linked magnesium and calcium supplements to improved heart health.

The study’s authors wondered whether these heart health benefits could also be found in hard water and not just in magnesium and calcium supplements.

Water hardness or alkalinity refers to its mineral content, particularly calcium and magnesium, the most alkaline minerals that appear in water.

To investigate, they conducted a systematic review of the scientific literature by searching three major scientific databases for journal articles. Of the 547 initially screened studies, the most relevant 25 were selected for detailed analysis. The chosen articles described studies conducted in Asia, Europe, and Canada.

Here’s what they found:

1. Of the 25 studies analyzed, 17 showed that high water hardness has a significant protective effect against CVD-related deaths.

2. The other eight studies also found that hard water could prevent cardiovascular disease and early death, but their findings were weak, or what scientists call statistically insignificant.

3. Together, the studies showed that cardiovascular disease death rates were 40% lower among people who lived in regions with hard or alkaline water than those who lived in areas with soft or acidic water.

4. Calcium and magnesium seemed to be the minerals responsible for lower heart disease death rates.

5. Magnesium-rich water seemed to cut the subjects’ risk of cardiovascular disease, while calcium-rich water reduced their risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and clogged arteries.

6. People living in areas with hard water were healthier than those in areas with soft water.

This extensive review indicates that drinking hard water might indeed reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

While there is very little that you can do about the quality of the water from your tap, alkaline water filters that add calcium and magnesium to the water are widely available.

They either screw directly onto the pipe below your sink or are available as water jugs on your counter or fridge.

So long as you change the filter as often as the manufacturer recommends, you can obtain enough calcium and magnesium to protect you from heart disease and the premature death that usually accompanies it.

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