This candy spikes blood pressure instantly

This candy spikes blood pressure instantly

There are some candies like dark chocolate that’s good for your blood pressure. Other candies have been found to raise blood pressure if eaten in excess. A new study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals how one of the most popular candies spikes your...
This ‘heart healthy’ vitamin causes heart attack

This ‘heart healthy’ vitamin causes heart attack

This vitamin has long been hailed as a cholesterol lowering miracle and recommended by thousands of health practitioners. Now, however, a new study published in the journal Nature Medicine reveals that this ‘heart healthy’ vitamin causes heart attack. The Cleveland...
The Best Cholesterol-Lowering Seeds

The Best Cholesterol-Lowering Seeds

Seeds are some of the most powerful foods you can consume. The list of their health benefits is endless. One of these benefits is lowering cholesterol. In today’s article, I’ll list six of the most powerful seeds to lower cholesterol levels. 1. Chia seeds. In two...
When Hypothyroidism Causes Heart Failure

When Hypothyroidism Causes Heart Failure

Hypothyroidism has many subtle symptoms such as lack of energy and increased body weight. But something as serious as sudden heart failure and potential death, that´s not often discussed. A new study in the latest Journal of the American Heart Association, however,...
When Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

When Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

Diet and exercise are the two things you have always been told to do to prevent strokes and heart attacks, along with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Slow down! According to a new study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, exercising can increase your...
Wrong Water: 40% Increase In Heart Attack Death

Wrong Water: 40% Increase In Heart Attack Death

This has nothing to do with clean versus polluted water. It has everything to do with the “right” or “wrong” drinking water. According to a new study in the journal Foods, drinking the “wrong” water can increase your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by a...