How The Rich Avoid Diabetes (and how to do the same cheaply)

How The Rich Avoid Diabetes (and how to do the same cheaply)

A new study published in the Journal PLOS ONE revealed that poorer Canadians were more likely to develop diabetes than their wealthier counterparts were. This leads to the question of what does wealth has to do with type 2 diabetes, and how can you avoid or reverse...
Common Drugs Cause Diabetes and Obesity (within 12 weeks)

Common Drugs Cause Diabetes and Obesity (within 12 weeks)

Despite their serious side effects, the usage of these drugs is still on a steep rise. A new study from both the Washington University and Florida Atlantic University revealed that not only do these drugs lead to obesity within 12 weeks of usage, they also caused type...
Type 2 Diabetes and Poor Sleep Connection Discovered

Type 2 Diabetes and Poor Sleep Connection Discovered

In April 2018, a study in the journal Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews found that insomniacs were up to 50% more likely than non-insomniacs to have type 2 diabetes. But the reason for this was a mystery. A brand new study by scientists from the University of...
Your Body Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally This Way

Your Body Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally This Way

One of the main problems with high blood pressure is that scientists have very little idea on what really causes it. They can point to diet, lifestyle, and genetic causes. But the fact is, in over 70% of cases, health care professionals have to admit they have no idea...
How Diabetes Causes Heart Attack And What To Do About It

How Diabetes Causes Heart Attack And What To Do About It

According to a review of the scientific literature in a 2014 edition of the European Cardiology Review, men with type 2 diabetes are twice as likely as those without it to suffer from heart failure, while the hearts of type 2 diabetic woman are four times more likely...