Why You Don’t Exercise Enough (it’s not your fault)Most of us should be more active. In fact, 3-5 hours of intense activity per week is minimal, and every hour awake should include a little moving around.

But sometimes you just don’t feel like you have the energy, do you?

And according to a new study published in the journal Circulation, it’s all because of a hidden additive that food companies add to almost all the food you consume.

It robs you of physical energy, prevents you from exercising and therefore causes high cholesterol, blood pressure, overweight, type 2 diabetes and a row of other health issues.

Lots of dairy, meat, and vegetables contain phosphate, and that is healthy because it helps your body build bones, helps with muscle contraction, and facilitates nerve function.

But one of the most common food additives in our modern diet is inorganic phosphate, and that sends our daily phosphate intake into the stratosphere.

When scientists fed mice a high-phosphate diet, they observed that they could no longer produce enough fatty acids to feed their muscles. They spent less time on their treadmills and had lower cardiovascular fitness levels.

They also found genetic changes in these mice when they were fed high-phosphate diets over a long period of time. After 12 weeks, levels for the genes responsible for muscle metabolism had changed in their bloodstreams.

Since studies on mice are not always translatable to human beings, they tried to address this question by analyzing data from participants in the Dallas Heart Study, where their food consumption was recorded and who were asked to wear physical activity monitors for seven days.

It turned out that those with the highest blood phosphate levels exercised the least, while those with the lowest phosphate levels exercised the most, suggesting that it has the same effect on people as the mice.

Most food manufacturers add phosphate to food to prevent it from spoiling and to enhance flavor. Cola and other soft drinks, sausages and other processed meats, baked products, and canned products are the most likely to contain it.

Any “phos” on labels is suspect, such as dicalcium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate, sodium hexameta-phosphate, phosphoric acid, sodium tripolyphosphate, and so forth.

The easiest way to avoid inorganic phosphate, however, is to bypass processed food as much as possible.

But if you need to get your cholesterol under control, there is another ingredient that is even more serious than inorganic phosphate – and one that you have no idea you’re consuming…

And here are 3 blood pressure exercises – you can do these even if you feel wasted – and it will bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…

Finally, to reverse type-2 diabetes, just follow these three steps for 28 days…