9 Common ED Causes (Sorry About #1)

9 Common ED Causes (Sorry About #1)

Despite what big medical companies want you to believe, healing ED is very easy. That is if you know what caused yours in the first place. That’s why today, I’m listing nine common things that cause ED, and these are completely reversible if you take the right action....
Type-2 Diabetes Is Worst For These People

Type-2 Diabetes Is Worst For These People

Type-2 diabetes is bad for everyone who suffers it. But according to a study that has just appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine, there is a particular group of people that are especially hard hit. In fact, if you belong to this group of people, you’re 80...
A Delicious Drink Heals Diabetes (Surprising News)

A Delicious Drink Heals Diabetes (Surprising News)

By now you’re probably sick of being told to eat green vegetables and drink green juices to manage your diabetes. Luckily, there is a genuinely pleasant, sweet, drink that both lowers cholesterol and manages blood sugar level for people with type-2 diabetes. A new...
How High Cholesterol Heals Diabetes

How High Cholesterol Heals Diabetes

High cholesterol has long been considered to be the number one enemy when it comes to metabolic conditions, such as high blood pressure and type-2 diabetes. But a new Finnish study may have busted this myth. In fact, high cholesterol may be your best friend when it...
Binging On This Reduces Heart Attack Risk by 30%

Binging On This Reduces Heart Attack Risk by 30%

It is often the case that when seeking optimal health, we are told that we need to cut down on the food we love. But a new study from New Zealand that was published in Lancet found one ingredient that you can’t have too much of when eating for optimal health. In fact,...