This Common Tea Heals Type-2 Diabetes

This Common Tea Heals Type-2 Diabetes

According to a recent study, published in the Naunyn-Schmedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, a specific type of tea not only helps people to lose weight, but it can also drastically assist in improving type 2 diabetes. In fact, the effects of drinking this tea were...
Common Drink Causes Type-2 Diabetes

Common Drink Causes Type-2 Diabetes

A new 16-year study involving 350,000 people and published in the Diabetologia Journal shows that there is a devastating effect of one of the most popular drinks on the market. Just one drink per day can spike type-2 diabetes by a whopping 22%. This same drink has...
This Sweet Stops Diabetes in Its Track

This Sweet Stops Diabetes in Its Track

If you have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, you have probably been told to avoid anything sugary. Doctors generally even warn against too much fruit consumption, as fruits contain a lot of fruit sugar. A new study by Illinois Institute of...
Statins Causes This Deadly Disease (A new study)

Statins Causes This Deadly Disease (A new study)

Statins are praised by some medical people as the answer to all cardiovascular problems. Some even want to put it in our tap water. But a new study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology has given a stern warning about the use of statins....
Why You Don’t Exercise Enough (it’s not your fault)

Why You Don’t Exercise Enough (it’s not your fault)

Most of us should be more active. In fact, 3-5 hours of intense activity per week is minimal, and every hour awake should include a little moving around. But sometimes you just don’t feel like you have the energy, do you? And according to a new study published in the...
9 Common ED Causes (Sorry About #1)

9 Common ED Causes (Sorry About #1)

Despite what big medical companies want you to believe, healing ED is very easy. That is if you know what caused yours in the first place. That’s why today, I’m listing nine common things that cause ED, and these are completely reversible if you take the right action....