The best arthritis fighting food

The best arthritis fighting food

A new study published in Scientific Reports reveals one common type of food that can reduce your risk of arthritis by 25%. This study used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted between 2011 and 2020. This is a large-scale survey that...
These berries reverse prostate problems

These berries reverse prostate problems

You may or may not have heard of these berries. They’re not a common household name. But you can find their extract in every health food store. Several studies have proven their amazing effectiveness in fighting off BPH and other prostate problems. Some studies have...
Two diets treat diabetes

Two diets treat diabetes

Fact: What we eat affects blood sugar and type 2 diabetes. Confusion: Every ‘expert’ seems to have their own idea on what to eat to manage type 2 diabetes in the most effective way. Solution: A new study published in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology compared two...
Cure snoring and sleep apnea without losing weight

Cure snoring and sleep apnea without losing weight

If you snore loudly, most likely you have underlying sleep apnea—a potentially life-threatening condition. For a long time, being overweight and obese has been considered the #1 cause of sleep apnea. And the solution is therefore to lose weight. Makes sense, right? A...
This plant eliminates nail fungus

This plant eliminates nail fungus

It is widely thought that nail fungus is a problem caused by poor hygiene, but it is actually a condition that occurs in many people with perfectly good hygiene. It can be caused by fungi and yeasts that occur naturally in the environment and on our skin. These fungi...