This Color Cures Gout

This Color Cures Gout

You may never have given the color of your fresh produce a second thought previously. But a new study in the journal Nature Reviews Rheumatology suggests you should. Why? Vegetables and fruits in their natural state contain pigments, with certain pigments being...
Obesity and Anxiety Connection

Obesity and Anxiety Connection

In many places, the majority of people are obese. And it seems like almost everyone is suffering some level of anxiety these days. But until now, no connection has been made between the two. A new study published in the journal BMC Medicine found that those who were...
This Fruit Fixes Fatty Liver Disease

This Fruit Fixes Fatty Liver Disease

Synthetic drugs are what you’re most likely to be prescribed if you’ve been diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The traditional medical system is completely lost when it comes to treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). They have some...
This Cholesterol Combats Alzheimer’s

This Cholesterol Combats Alzheimer’s

An excess of cholesterol wreaks havoc in our blood vessels, and researchers have now discovered it causes Alzheimer’s disease as well. Canadian researchers examined the brains of patients who had died of Alzheimer’s disease, finding that Alzheimer’s brains contained...
Horrifying Hemorrhoids Method Studied

Horrifying Hemorrhoids Method Studied

Many people with hemorrhoids do not try to treat their hemorrhoids at home. They rush straight to a doctor’s office where, more likely than not, they will be offered a treatment called rubber band ligation. Tunisian scientists have just published a study in the...
#1 Cause of Acid Reflux Discovered (and Cured)

#1 Cause of Acid Reflux Discovered (and Cured)

There are many myths about what causes acid reflux. But a new study just appeared in The FASEB Journal explains one factor that contributes to the development and continuation of the most serious type of acid reflux. What’s more, this factor can make even occasional,...