Simple Technique Cures High Blood Pressure (study)

Simple Technique Cures High Blood Pressure (study)

In a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, Australian scientists have finally proven, and explained how, a specific breathing technique lowers blood pressure. In today’s article, I’ll tell you how this technique works as well as teaching it to you...
Cholesterol Myth Busted –New Study

Cholesterol Myth Busted –New Study

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is normally labeled “bad cholesterol” because it is commonly believed to be the type of cholesterol that clogs our arteries, damages our arterial walls, and causes strokes and heart attacks. HDL (high-density lipoprotein)...
Anxiety Caused By These Two Factors

Anxiety Caused By These Two Factors

Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders that involves a fear of being judged by others, an avoidance of social settings, and extreme anxiety and panic attacks when in the presence of people. Because it is so debilitating, many researchers...
Notty Drink Cures Chronic Kidneys and Cardiovascular Diseases

Notty Drink Cures Chronic Kidneys and Cardiovascular Diseases

Today I have a treat for you. You see, oftentimes when talking about healthy living, you get nagged to eat healthy stuff that you don’t really like and breaking more sweat than you’d really want to. But today is different. Today I’m going to tell you about a drink...
This Food Causes Alzheimer’s

This Food Causes Alzheimer’s

A study in the latest edition of Scientific Reports, written by researchers at the University of Bath and King’s College London, now proposes a mechanism through which one specific type of food causes Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, it’s a food that is everywhere...