Slash Blood Pressure By Eliminating ONE Ingredient

Slash Blood Pressure By Eliminating ONE Ingredient

No, we’re not talking about salt. Neither are we discussing fats. Alcohol? No again. There is one other ingredient whose consumption has sky-rocketed during the past 20 years. And it’s the main cause of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and even many types of...
How Water Heals Enlarged Prostate In A Very Specific Way

How Water Heals Enlarged Prostate In A Very Specific Way

At present, the most common treatment for an enlarged prostate will make you cringe, so be warned. The doctor inserts an instrument through the tip of your penis into your urethra. This instrument has a camera that allows the doctor to see tissue that obstructs your...
Prevent Stroke And Heart Attack With Minimal Effort

Prevent Stroke And Heart Attack With Minimal Effort

You know that exercising is good to keep your arteries in shape and to prevent stroke and heart attack. But we’re all busy and maybe don’t have time for vigorous exercise every day. So how much is enough? And when is it too late to start? That’s what a group of...
This Game Treats Type 2 Diabetes

This Game Treats Type 2 Diabetes

Tackling type 2 diabetes isn’t always fun. You’re told to eat food you don’t like, to exercise more than you want to, and to lose weight that simply doesn’t want to go. But a new study published in JAMA Network Open reveals a simple game that tackles the source of...
Curable & Incurable Hemorrhoids Causes (which do you have?)

Curable & Incurable Hemorrhoids Causes (which do you have?)

Doctors generally tell us that hemorrhoids are caused by obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, and straining when defecating. But some people who are overweight get hemorrhoids while others do not. Some who binge on fiber get it while others who eat little...
Gum Disease Causes Instant Death

Gum Disease Causes Instant Death

Many people brush gum disease off as something minor. Other than vanity, what harm does it really do? A lot of harm actually! And if you get COVID-19, your gum disease can turn deadly. Not just a little deadly—881% more deadly than if you didn’t have gum disease,...