This Common Oil Treats Arthritis

This Common Oil Treats Arthritis

Arthritis sufferers number in the millions, so anything that helps them reduce the pain of this debilitating condition is always welcome. A recent study from Sweden may now have found something that does that. Researchers found a commonly available oil to be the key...
Arthritis Healing Foods Revealed

Arthritis Healing Foods Revealed

There are hundreds of studies out there which research how different types of food interact with arthritis. Some improve it, other make it much worse. But with most of these studies focusing on one type of food or one type of diet, there has not yet been an overview...
Arthritis-Related Fatigue Eliminated (Two Approaches)

Arthritis-Related Fatigue Eliminated (Two Approaches)

Eighty percent of those suffering arthritis also reported some level of fatigue, with most stating that their fatigue was closely related to the pain. This prompted a study published in Lancet Rheumatology to test out two natural ways to eliminate fatigue in arthritis...
This Citrus Treats Arthritis

This Citrus Treats Arthritis

One of the problems with arthritis is that scientists often miss the real underlying cause of this painful condition. Now a new study in the journal Cell Biochemistry and Function has identified the original cause of arthritis and how to treat it naturally using a...
This Food Improves Arthritis 55%

This Food Improves Arthritis 55%

You no doubt already know how painful and limiting arthritis is. And you’re probably well aware that the only effective treatment options are life-threatening opioid and corticosteroid. So we welcome a new study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine revealing...
Arthritis Avoided In 2 Minutes

Arthritis Avoided In 2 Minutes

Arthritis is considered incurable by the traditional medical system. This makes a new study at the University of Louisville and presented at the American Association of Anatomists annual meeting a big deal. It revealed a two minute daily habit that prevents, and even...