This Activity Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease

This Activity Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease

The traditional medical system currently offers no cure for either Alzheimer’s or most other types of dementia. But there are some lifestyle habits that can drastically fight off the effects of this terrifying disease. One activity in particular has been proven over...
This Gut Issue Increases Alzheimer’s Risk by 600 %

This Gut Issue Increases Alzheimer’s Risk by 600 %

Gut health is usually not on the long list of risk factors when it comes to dementia. But according to a new study from University of California at San Francisco and Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan, it should be. One specific gut health issue (you may not...
These Heartburn Drugs Cause Alzheimer’s

These Heartburn Drugs Cause Alzheimer’s

The use of specific acid reflux drugs has increased significantly in the past few years, and so has the occurrence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A new study published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia now shows that people using these drugs...
This Food Causes Alzheimer’s

This Food Causes Alzheimer’s

A study in the latest edition of Scientific Reports, written by researchers at the University of Bath and King’s College London, now proposes a mechanism through which one specific type of food causes Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, it’s a food that is everywhere...