This insect Cures Nail Fungus

This insect Cures Nail Fungus

You have heard of all kinds of medications, creams, and oils to treat nail fungus. How can an insect be 88% successful in curing your nail fungus? Propolis is a substance that honey bees produce when they mix their saliva and beeswax with the sap from flowers. They...
This Exercise Combats Neuropathy

This Exercise Combats Neuropathy

Neuropathy has a range of symptoms that range from just irritating to extremely painful. Nothing the medical system offers to treat these symptoms seems to help. A new study in JAMA Network Open is therefore very much welcomed as it demonstrates how specific types of...
This Food Heals Parkinson’s Disease

This Food Heals Parkinson’s Disease

We usually think of Parkinson’s disease as a condition of the brain. After all, it’s the lack of dopamine that causes it, right? Wrong, says a new study in Nature Communications. It’s caused by the food that you eat, and it can be healed by the food that you eat....
This Herb Drops High Blood Pressure 19 Points

This Herb Drops High Blood Pressure 19 Points

This could be considered the most powerful heart herb on Earth, and you most likely have it sitting in your kitchen cabinet already. A study published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics reported that this herb not only lowered participants’ blood...
Hypothyroidism Affects Your Brain

Hypothyroidism Affects Your Brain

Hypothyroidism is well known to cause fatigue and tiredness and to slow down metabolism, which causes obesity. A new study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science reveals how hypothyroidism also affects your cognitive abilities. This may be its most...
Arthritis Cured with This Common Household Cleaner

Arthritis Cured with This Common Household Cleaner

What you have below is an article that will show you the household cleaner that helps to eliminate arthritis in your body. You read that right. It’s a household cleaner—not some overpriced drug with an unpronounceable, invented name. Actually, this household cleaner...
Cut Cholesterol Using Controversial Diet

Cut Cholesterol Using Controversial Diet

People love this diet with a passion or hate it with rage. A new study in JAMA Network Open reveals the amazing health benefits of following this diet. Among other things, it drastically lowers bad cholesterol levels. Researchers at the University of Sydney reviewed...
Enlarged Prostate Caused By This Habit

Enlarged Prostate Caused By This Habit

Enlarged prostate is often described as a normal part of aging. After all, almost all men will develop it as they get older. A new study in the Journals of Gerontology suggests that it’s caused by a specific lifestyle habit. Unfortunately, it’s a lifestyle habit of...
Natural ED Treatment Discovered–No Side Effects!

Natural ED Treatment Discovered–No Side Effects!

It’s not often that the traditional medical system comes up with natural methods that cause no side effects—especially when it comes to ED! A new study published in Sexual Medicine Reviews reveals one of those methods. Best of all, it’s extremely effective....