Hemorrhoids: Fatal consequences

Hemorrhoids: Fatal consequences

Hemorrhoids are definitely very uncomfortable. But fatal? That’s something else. A new study presented at the American Geriatrics Society 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting reveals just how life threatening hemorrhoids are, especially if you don’t take action right now to...
Osteoporosis caused by a common drug

Osteoporosis caused by a common drug

The causes of osteoporosis have been poorly understood. Theories range from a lack of calcium and vitamin D to a lack of exercise and physical activity. A new study published in Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews reveals the terrifying effects of one of...
These movements cure Vertigo

These movements cure Vertigo

Vertigo is one of the most common complaints doctors receive. Many people suffer the symptoms of vertigo for a long, long time. This is a shame because it’s relatively easy to cure. A new study in the Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery...
This bacterium heals Gout

This bacterium heals Gout

If you have been diagnosed with Gout, you’ve probably been advised to cut out any foods that are high in uric acid. This isn’t bad advice, but it is not a cure for Gout either. A new study published in bioRxiv takes a completely different route. It found that a...
Yummy berries protect your Heart and Arteries

Yummy berries protect your Heart and Arteries

Scientists from King’s College London have recently published a study in the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics proving that a delicious berry is extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health. These berries help clean arteries, make them more flexible, and can...
Sleep Apnea is not caused by Obesity alone

Sleep Apnea is not caused by Obesity alone

A common belief is that being overweight causes sleep apnea, and while that is indeed a factor, there’s more to the story. A recent study published in the journal Frontiers identified another associated factor, one that may be easier to manage than body weight....
This algae treats Parkinson’s disease damage

This algae treats Parkinson’s disease damage

According to a new study published in the journal Nutrients, a widely available type of algae can directly combat one of the main drivers of neuronal death in Parkinson’s cases. This will, at worst, slow down the progression of the disease, and at best, reverse...
Your Chronic Bronchitis is older than you think

Your Chronic Bronchitis is older than you think

There are two important reasons you should read today’s article: 1) It can save your children and grandchildren from having to suffer from chronic bronchitis. 2) There is still time for you to reverse yours even if you can’t remove the core cause. So, what is the core...
A key factor for stopping MS progression discovered

A key factor for stopping MS progression discovered

Some people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience such a slow progression that they may never really suffer severe symptoms. Others, however, progress extremely fast and experience significant suffering at a younger age. So what is the difference? How can...