Hypothyroidism Caused by Your Veggies

Hypothyroidism Caused by Your Veggies

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, it’s extremely important to eat healthy fruits and vegetables. But according to a new study in BMC Public Health, fruits and vegetables may actually be causing your hypothyroidism. That is if you’re not picking the right ones. The...
Is Sleep Apnea Caused by Your Childhood?

Is Sleep Apnea Caused by Your Childhood?

Sleep apnea is most often blamed on lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise or being overweight or obese. But that is not necessarily the case according to a new study published in Respirology. On the contrary, the root cause may be something that happened in your...
This Tech Improves Neuropathic Pain by 80%

This Tech Improves Neuropathic Pain by 80%

Diabetic neuropathy can be a challenging complication of diabetes, causing pain and affecting the quality of life for many patients. Most often the only treatment options are painkillers and other medications. But a recent study in Diabetes Research and Clinical...
This Nut Boosts Good Cholesterol While Slashing the Bad

This Nut Boosts Good Cholesterol While Slashing the Bad

They taste great raw, toasted, seasoned, and smoked; can make milk, butter, oil, and flour, and it now turns out they can benefit your cholesterol profile too. Researchers from Penn State University have just published a study in the Journal of Nutrition that shows...
This Light Treats Type 2 Diabetes

This Light Treats Type 2 Diabetes

When it comes to treating type 2 diabetes, we usually focus on food and exercise. We might sometimes talk about sunshine and health in relation to vitamin D, but that is not what we’re referring to today. What we’re talking about is a new study presented at the...
Chronic Kidney Disease: Is Losing Weight Useless?

Chronic Kidney Disease: Is Losing Weight Useless?

You may have heard that being overweight or obese is a major risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD), and that weight loss is essential to manage the condition. Yes and no says a new study published in the journal Obesity. Because there is one thing much more...
Treat Arthritis with this Popular Spice

Treat Arthritis with this Popular Spice

Almost everyone loves this everyday spice yet we don’t eat enough of it. A new study published in JCI Insight reveals that this spice not only tackles the inflammation that causes arthritis but actually stops the root cause of inflammation. This means it has the...
Enlarged Prostate Is Easy to Heal

Enlarged Prostate Is Easy to Heal

While doctors are unsure as to the causes of an enlarged prostate, the condition is thought to be linked to the hormonal changes that happen as men age. These are not easy to reverse and until now doctors have been unable to heal an enlarged prostate. But a new study...
Can Spouses Cause Dementia?

Can Spouses Cause Dementia?

This article is not meant to cast blame. A loving spouse would never intentionally cause dementia in their partner. However, a new study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry reveals that some attributes of a person can lead to dementia in their...