by ShellyManning | Sep 3, 2023
What you have below is an article that will show you the household cleaner that helps to eliminate arthritis in your body. You read that right. It’s a household cleaner—not some overpriced drug with an unpronounceable, invented name. Actually, this household cleaner...
by Scott Davis | Sep 2, 2023
People love this diet with a passion or hate it with rage. A new study in JAMA Network Open reveals the amazing health benefits of following this diet. Among other things, it drastically lowers bad cholesterol levels. Researchers at the University of Sydney reviewed...
by Scott Davis | Sep 1, 2023
Enlarged prostate is often described as a normal part of aging. After all, almost all men will develop it as they get older. A new study in the Journals of Gerontology suggests that it’s caused by a specific lifestyle habit. Unfortunately, it’s a lifestyle habit of...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 31, 2023
It’s not often that the traditional medical system comes up with natural methods that cause no side effects—especially when it comes to ED! A new study published in Sexual Medicine Reviews reveals one of those methods. Best of all, it’s extremely effective....
by Christian Goodman | Aug 30, 2023
Doctors and nutritionists have been advising us to drink less of this beverage for decades as it allegedly clogs our arteries and raises our blood pressure due to its saturated fat content. These claims were, however, completely debunked in a new study published in...
by ShellyManning | Aug 29, 2023
Gout is caused by excessive uric acid in the blood which crystallizes and settles in the joints, causing inflammation. Prior studies have linked high protein intake, particularly from red meat, chicken, and fish, to high uric acid levels, while soy protein and legumes...
by Julissa Clay | Aug 27, 2023
Around 5.5% of people worldwide struggle with nail fungus, and as treatments are slow to work, it is important to find out whether there is anything we can do to prevent it. A new study in the Journal of Fungi has compiled a list of scientifically proven risk factors,...
by ShellyManning | Aug 26, 2023
This is one of the most commonly prescribed medications for hypothyroidism. It’s often even taken by people without a low thyroid hormone level. Until recently it was considered harmless but a new study in Arthritis Research & Therapy reveals that this drug...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 24, 2023
Vertigo affects people of all ages. But a new study in the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals that people over 60 experience vertigo differently than younger people. This means they’re often misdiagnosed and given the wrong treatment options. Benign Paroxysmal...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 23, 2023
Today, we understand that a person’s genetics and health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes are associated with dementia risk. But an interesting study in a recent edition of the journal JAMA Network Open reveals a risk factor not previously known....