This vitamin treats vertigo (most types)Lacking one type of vitamin is the leading cause of most types of vertigo according to a new study published in the journal Cureus.

What’s more, taking this cheap (sometimes free) vitamin may immediately eliminate your vertigo attacks.

The researchers analyzed several studies to find out if there is a link between vitamin D levels and various ear diseases. They checked the largest medical databases for articles published over ten years between 2014 and 2024.

They were particularly interested in conditions like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), otitis media (a type of ear infection), Meniere’s disease (a disorder that affects the inner ear), Bell’s palsy (a kind of facial paralysis), and hearing loss.

The latter two have nothing to do with vertigo, but the former three do. In fact, BPPV is by far the most common cause of vertigo. So, let’s look at those three parts of their analysis.

Firstly, most studies showed lower vitamin D levels in people with BPPV compared to healthy individuals. They showed that vitamin D deficiency might increase the risk of both BPPV and its recurrence after treatment, especially in females. Some studies did not find this connection, but the largest ones did.

Interestingly, one study they surveyed on British subjects even found that vertigo was more common in the winter than in the summer, reflecting the fact that British people have lower levels of vitamin D in the winter and higher levels in the summer.

You will know that you have BPPV if you experience a spinning sensation when you move your head. This often becomes obvious when patients roll over in bed. Attacks usually last for only a few seconds.

Regarding otitis media, vitamin D deficiency seemed to lead to more ear infections, especially in children. This vitamin is known to strengthen the immune system, which might explain why it can prevent this cause of vertigo.

If you have this type of infection, you will experience ear pain, fever, and sometimes even coughing along with slight vertigo.

Meniere’s disease involves the buildup of fluid in the inner ear, but the cause of this is still unknown. Very few studies exist on the relationship between vitamin D and this disorder, and they are completely mixed and inconclusive.

Vertigo due to Meniere’s disease continues for at least 20 minutes, and often for a few hours.

While most of these studies suggest that vitamin D deficiency is involved in most cases of vertigo, more research is needed to confirm the ideal dosage and effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation for ear conditions.

But if you are in the northern hemisphere during winter, you should ideally take a supplement or consume cereals and milk that are artificially fortified with vitamin D.

Direct sunlight on your bare arms for 20 to 30 minutes per day is the ideal solution to obtain natural and appropriate amounts of this important vitamin.

If, however, you have enough vitamin D and still experience vertigo, then try out the simple home vertigo exercises found here—they work for pretty much everyone…