by Christian Goodman | Aug 22, 2019
A hard blow to the head often leads to vertigo, which is bad enough, but for some sufferers, it gets even worse. Instead of clearing up on its own, for an unlucky few it hangs around like an obnoxious guest at your house party. There is good news though. Scientists...
by Jodi Knapp | Aug 9, 2019
As if diabetes wasn’t bad enough on its own, it’s quite common for it to give you vertigo too. Brazilian researchers have just published a review of scientific literature on that subject in the journal Revista CEFAC, looking at the reasons why it happens. So, here’s...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 26, 2019
Everyone feels a bit dizzy or lightheaded every once in a while, but it’s usually something that passes quickly. Maybe it’s just that you didn’t eat enough, drink enough or it’s too hot, so a little food, drink, and a moment in the shade and you’re...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 16, 2019
30 percent of people suffer from vertigo at some point in their lives but getting it diagnosed can be a real hassle. The problem is that it’s such a specialized field, so when you arrive at the ER they might not have a practitioner and the diagnostic instruments...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 8, 2019
The most common cause of vertigo is a type called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPv). That’s quite an intimidating sounding name, but a new study in the journal Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management says that it’s actually quite easy to treat. The...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 22, 2019
Vertigo can make the world seem to spin, even when you’re sitting down. It’s caused by problems with your vestibular system, which is the one that sends balance information to your brain. Most of it is based in your ears and brain, and it’s like a clever internal...