by Christian Goodman | Dec 18, 2019
Researchers at the Amsterdam University Medical Center have discovered a new treatment for vertigo that not only eases symptoms; it also prevents episodes. You can do this treatment at home, without a doctor or drugs. And it causes no side effects. The program is...
by Christian Goodman | Nov 19, 2019
Although they don’t always go hand in hand, migraine and vertigo are very closely related conditions. So the things that help for one often help for the other. So a new study published in the journal Neurology decided to test a simple FDA approved method that has...
by Christian Goodman | Oct 24, 2019
Some cases of vertigo are strangely treatment resistant. They respond to treatment, but slight vertigo remains after the treatment has been completed. Italian researchers have just discovered that a specific supplement can clear up this residual dizziness. Their study...
by Christian Goodman | Oct 11, 2019
Vertigo is an extremely common disorder and is actually surprisingly easy to treat. But if you have visited numerous doctors throughout years of misery and your vertigo remains untreated, a new study by researchers from Technical University Munich, published in the...
by Christian Goodman | Sep 24, 2019
It’s not always enough just to tell people about how to look after their health. After all, by now, there can’t be many people who don’t know that eating the wrong foods and sitting around all day will hurt their health. But knowing what to do and putting it into...
by Christian Goodman | Sep 19, 2019
There are many types of vertigo and many possible treatment options. Most of them unfortunately very ineffective. So, you can imagine it made quite a stir when a new study revealed that one vitamin can cure two of the most common types of vertigo. What’s more, this...