The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

There is one ingredient we all use and need that can spike blood pressure if taken in doses that are too excessive. In fact, it’s so dangerous that this one ingredient contributes more to high blood pressure than being obese and a majority of other risk factors. The...
Weird Electronic Device Lowers Blood Pressure

Weird Electronic Device Lowers Blood Pressure

A new, interesting device is currently being tested in hospitals globally. It lowers blood pressure without the need for taking drugs or suffering the medicinal side effects of prescription. What’s neat about this device is that it tackles the underlying cause of high...
These 7 Ingredients Slash Blood Pressure

These 7 Ingredients Slash Blood Pressure

When we talk about the lowering of blood pressure or tackling other health issues, we usually recommend foods to avoid. Sometimes, this includes cutting out fat or sugar etc. But some foods actually lower blood pressure. In today’s article, we’ll list seven types of...
9 Foods That Prevent Stroke

9 Foods That Prevent Stroke

Academic researchers have found two minerals to be particularly effective at reducing the risk of stroke. These are especially powerful at reducing this risk for people who struggle with high blood pressure. There are nine tasty and cost-effective foods that contain...
These 2 Oils Beat Blood Pressure Medications

These 2 Oils Beat Blood Pressure Medications

If your doctor is pushing you to take blood pressure medications, you have a simple, natural, and healthier alternative. This option was recently proven to be more effective than leading medications in lower high blood pressure and improve cholesterol level. It all...