Good Smelling Oil Lowers Blood PressureA new study, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, shows that a specific type of oil can be used to drastically lower blood pressure.

But you don’t eat the oil to lower your blood pressure. The effects come through a different way of using it.

The study followed 83 people for 24 hours.

Of those, 28 were treated with a blend of essential oils. The others were split into groups that were either treated with a placebo or not treated at all.

Those who received the essential oil treatment immediately started to show lower levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.

The scientists concluded that relaxation therapy that utilized essential oils for blood pressure control and prevention is highly recommended.

What are essential oils?

Not everything that is labeled ‘essential oil’ is the real stuff. And often products get labeled “aromatherapy” just because they contain fragrance.

In fact, it is not just the smell that makes the therapy work. It is the tiny molecules of the essential oils that enter the bloodstream that will do the work. So, make sure you find pure essential oils to work with.

The following essential oils were used in the study mentioned earlier:

– Lavender
– Ylang-ylang
– Marjoram
– Neroli

How to use the oils


You can use carrier oils, like almond oil or coconut oil, and add just a little essential oil (a drop or two per ounce). Massage any part of the body with the oil.


When you massage with oil, you will automatically inhale the oil as well. You can also add drops of essential oil to steaming water or use a dispenser to inhale oils during the night.

The real conclusion of this study would be that to lower blood pressure, you must lower your stress hormone level. And although essential oils are good, they’re not enough.

Our simple blood pressure exercises have been proven to lower stress hormone level and blood pressure in as little as 9 minutes. Learn more and try them out for yourself right here…