Why Your Blood Pressure Rises in Winter (and what to do about it)Several studies show that blood pressure varies with the seasons, with the highest rates in the cold of winter and lowest rates in warmer spring/summer/fall temperatures.

But why is this, and what can you do to keep your blood pressure at bay in the winter months?

A large study from France has shown that blood pressure in elderly people changes with the temperature, and revealed that the rates of people with high blood pressure increased from 23.8% in summer to 33.4% in the winter.

Another study done by the VA Medical Center in Washington, D.C. confirmed the same phenomenon. Health records of 443,632 veterans were reviewed during five years, and it was found that in 60% of the veterans studied, blood pressures were higher during winter.

Why does this happen?

There are probably several reasons. When it is colder, your body tries to stay warm and restricts blood flow to the most critical body parts in an effort to do so. In return, the survival mechanism kicks in and restricts blood movement. This may cause blood pressure to rise.

Researchers at the VA Medical Center in Washington, D.C., have said that sedentary lifestyles and weight gain during winter months is probably a larger reason for the rise.

Stress and poor food choices may contribute too. After all, it is the holiday season. People gain weight during winter and lose weight during summer. Weight has always been seen as an important factor in blood pressure control.

Danish researchers have connected taking vitamin D with blood pressure levels. The scientist behind this study, Dr Thomas Larsen, stated that the results of the study suggested that hypertensive patients can benefit from vitamin D supplementation; A good reason to get up from your couch for a brisk walk on a sunny, winter day.

How can you manage high blood pressure during winter?

– Even when it is getting colder, it is still important to go outside for a walk. Exercise and fresh air are good for your health in general. However, try to avoid extreme cold, dress warm, and avoid breathing in dangerously cold air.

– Avoid foods that have too many calories. We used to believe that we need to eat well (meaning a lot) to keep us warm. However, in these modern times, central heating can keep us warm enough.

– Exercise all year around. A well-conditioned body will be able to handle stress during winter much better.

The best news is that the most effective way to lower your blood pressure can be done inside during the winter months, problem-free.

Learn more about this powerful method to naturally lower blood pressure here…