How High Blood Pressure Causes Cancer

How High Blood Pressure Causes Cancer

It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place. Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but...
How Your Phone Causes Heart Attack

How Your Phone Causes Heart Attack

Everyone loves their phone, and most of us couldn’t live without them. But new research paints a grim health picture if you use them the wrong way. Especially for our heart. It’s time to look at the dos and don’ts of smartphone usage—before it’s too late. The study,...
Heal High Blood Pressure – Just with a Sound

Heal High Blood Pressure – Just with a Sound

It seems like the kind of claim a snake-oil salesman would make: “This sound can lower your blood pressure!” But according to an article in the International Journal of Cardiology, it’s perfectly true. Not only that, it’s effective even for people who couldn’t quite...
Why High Blood Pressure Isn’t Always Bad

Why High Blood Pressure Isn’t Always Bad

There’s no doubt that high blood pressure is dangerous, but a study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine suggests that you don’t always need to panic at the first sign of a high reading. The Canadian team behind the study set out to look at how often high blood...
These Blood Pressure Drugs Raise Cancer Risk 250%

These Blood Pressure Drugs Raise Cancer Risk 250%

Ask the World Health Organization which health problem is the world’s biggest and they’ll tell you it’s high blood pressure. 1.13 billion people are affected by it, and if they don’t get treatment then they’re looking at a heart attack or stroke at best....