A Drink Skews Blood Pressure Readings

A Drink Skews Blood Pressure Readings

A recent study published in the American Journal of Hypertension introduces a new twist to the blood pressure dilemma. You may actually not have high blood pressure. Even if your doctor says so. It may actually be that you just happened to drink this drink a few hours...
These Blood Pressure Drugs Double Cancer Risk

These Blood Pressure Drugs Double Cancer Risk

One of the most prescribed high blood pressure medications has been proven to more than double your risk of a specific type of cancer. This is according to a new study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine....
A Healthy Habit Indicates High Blood Pressure

A Healthy Habit Indicates High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is usually blamed on unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as bad diet and lack of exercise. But a new study, from Dr. Nobuo Sasaki and colleagues at Hiroshima University, reveals a healthy habit that people with high blood pressure tend to have. The...
A Fishy Vegetable Beats Blood Pressure Drugs (Study)

A Fishy Vegetable Beats Blood Pressure Drugs (Study)

The reason blood pressure medications are so popular is that they force blood pressure close to or down to a healthy level. The bad news: they come with a litany of side effects, most often so serious that they outweigh the benefit of the drugs. The good news: new...
The Best Exercises For High Blood Pressure

The Best Exercises For High Blood Pressure

When it comes to lowering blood pressure, we have been told that exercising is an important factor. But what are the best exercises for high blood pressure? Researchers from Michigan University and the American Heart Association decided to put three different types of...
High Blood Pressure Cured with This Ancient Technique

High Blood Pressure Cured with This Ancient Technique

Heart-related illnesses are at epidemic levels all over the world. Millions have high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, and when most of them visit the doctor they come away with powerful medicines that can cause troublesome side-effects. But science and...