This Popular Blood Pressure Diet Grows Your BrainThe American Heart Association, British National Health Service, and many other health organizations recommend a simple, yet brilliantly effective diet for healthy hearts and arteries.

New research now shows that these are not the only body parts that benefit from this powerful diet – we can grow our brains in the process as well.

Surprisingly, it doesn’t involve cutting out cheese, oil, or other targets of bland, restrictive Western diets. A study published in Neurology states we can do this by changing our approach to food.

Our brains naturally shrink as we age, and this death of brain cells brings about forgetfulness, mental fog, and intellectual decline that many seniors struggle with.

Scottish scientists examined the eating habits of 967 volunteers at age 70, the brain scans of 562 of them at age 73, and then further brain scans performed on 401 of them at age 76.

They were interested in checking whether their dietary habits corresponded with their overall brain size, cortical thickness, and volume of grey matter.

While grey matter volume and cortical thickness declined at the same rate for all participants, overall brain size of those on a Mediterranean-style diet declined at only half the speed of the brains of those on other diets.

It was true across co-morbidities like high blood pressure and diabetes as well, showing previous studies might have errantly targeted high blood pressure or diabetes as a cause in acceleration of brain atrophy.

The scientists concluded either the totality of the Mediterranean diet is responsible for benefits of lowering blood pressure and healthier minds, or that some other specific ingredient lies behind it.

The Mediterranean diet consists primarily of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Poultry, meat, and dairy are eaten in smaller amounts.

Compare this with the normal diet followed in most Western countries that contains plenty of meat, dairy, processed rather than whole grains, huge quantities of processed vegetable oils, and sugar, and only small and infrequent portions of vegetables. These all lead to inflammation, which, as you know, is the root of most, if not all modern diseases and sicknesses.

Drop your cholesterol in 21 days to a level your doctor will be shocked at by cutting this ONE ingredient out of your diet…

AND to drop blood pressure down to below 120/80, do this simple 3-step exercise…