by Christian Goodman | Jul 29, 2020
A new study published in The World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases suggests that high blood pressure is caused by one specific mineral deficiency. And the great news is that one delicious sweet is loaded with this exact mineral you need. Plus it’s full of...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 28, 2020
There are two types of people in the world: those who win the war against stroke, and those who tragically don’t. That’s the hard, cold truth. To win this war, you’re going to need weapons. Weapons in the form of food that will cut through stroke like a hot knife...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 22, 2020
Most of us think of poor cardiovascular health as causing strokes and heart attacks, which is terrifying enough. But a study that has just been published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reveals a connection between poor heart health and dementia....
by Scott Davis | Jul 19, 2020
Most of us understand in some vague way that stress causes or contributes to heart disease and stroke. In some cases, it obviously contributes, such as when people respond to stress by drinking, smoking, or eating excessively. But even people who respond relatively...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 11, 2020
In a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, Australian scientists have finally proven, and explained how, a specific breathing technique lowers blood pressure. In today’s article, I’ll tell you how this technique works as well as teaching it to you...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 5, 2020
Nothing beats fruits when it comes to great health benefits. One tiny delicious fruit has now been found to be the king of natural healing. In fact, a new study conducted by the University of Mississippi Medical Center found that adding this fruit to your diet will...