8 Embarrassing Things You Need to Tell Your Doctor About

8 Embarrassing Things You Need to Tell Your Doctor About

Look, we’re not saying that you absolutely have to tell your doctor about these 8 embarrassing things. But we are saying that you’ll live a healthier, more vigorous life if you do talk to your doctor about this stuff. You’ll feel better at the end of it all, and if...
4 Serious Health Problems Tied To Fibromyalgia

4 Serious Health Problems Tied To Fibromyalgia

If you’re suffering Fibromyalgia you unfortunately have a lot to overcome. Between pain, limited mobility, fatigue, and foggy thoughts, it can be overwhelming just to get through the day. Not to mention the prejudgments about this disease that is fortunately getting...
Physical Pain Eliminated Using These 9 Types of Foods

Physical Pain Eliminated Using These 9 Types of Foods

Chronic pain is one of the most common health issues in the Western world. We’re talking about back pain, neck pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, headaches- and the list goes on. Most doctors have no other options than prescribing pain killers. As your body...