Male ED Caused by a Lack of This Mineral

Male ED Caused by a Lack of This Mineral

Could such a serious condition like male ED be caused by something as simple as a deficiency in an everyday mineral? That would be a definite yes, according to a new study published the Journal of Academic Research in Medicine. And the best part is that you can get...
This Popular Drink Heals ED (You’ll love this one)

This Popular Drink Heals ED (You’ll love this one)

It tastes good, it keeps you alert, it is healthy for the heart—and now, it turns out that it can completely relieve ED. It works even if you have chronic health issues that are causing your ED, such as obesity or high blood pressure. It’s also cheap and available on...
Is Your ED Caused By Your IBS (IBD)?

Is Your ED Caused By Your IBS (IBD)?

Inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), sometimes also called IBD, is a condition of the gut. ED is a problem maintaining an erection. How could one possibly cause the other? Quite easily, says a new study in the Journal of Men’s Health—and it’s more common than you think....
ED and Gum Disease: The Terrifying Connection

ED and Gum Disease: The Terrifying Connection

If you were to look for a cure for ED, where would you start? The genitals would be obvious, right? Then the brain maybe? How about the arteries? None of the above, says a new study from the United States, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia that has just been published in...
Does a Prostate Biopsy Cause ED in Men?

Does a Prostate Biopsy Cause ED in Men?

Prostate biopsy is not the most pleasant procedure ever invented, but it is still used sometimes to check for prostate cancer. Many men resist it because they’re worried about ED. So, researchers at King’s College London recently decided to investigate...
This Drink Cures ED in Men With High Blood Pressure

This Drink Cures ED in Men With High Blood Pressure

With prescriptions for ED medications being at peak levels (as are the numbers of men suffering deadly side effects), you’ll be happy to hear that a common, cheap drink can be just as effective. Here’s a hint: 85 percent of Americans drink it every day. Simply drink...